Trump calls Modi’s statement on Pak. terror ‘very aggressive’

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US President Donald Trump holds a bilateral meeting with Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan on the sidelines of UNGA meeting in New York on September 23, 2019.

Donald Trump made the remarks during his meeting with Imran Khan on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session.

U.S. President Donald Trump labelled as “very aggressive” a statement from Prime Minister Modi (on Pakistan’s role in terror) at the ‘Howdy, Modi!’ event at Houston on Sunday. Mr Trump also said he did not realize the statement would be made and said it was well received in the room.

“You have two big countries and they are warring countries, and they’ve been fighting. I heard a very aggressive statement yesterday, not to say that I was there. I didn’t know I was going to hear that statement…but I was sitting there, I heard a very aggressive statement yesterday, from India, from the Prime Minister, and I will say it was very well received within room… that was a big room 59,000 people. But it was a very aggressive statement,” Mr Trump said.

Mr Trump’s comments were made to the press, which he addressed along with Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan prior to their bilateral meeting. Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Ambassador to the United States Asad Majeed Khan were also present.

Mediation role

Mr. Trump also repeated his offer to mediate, saying he had a good relationship with both leaders and was “ready, willing and able” to mediate on the issue.

“I also have a very good relationship with India. I have a good relationship with both. So if they decide to use that feeling …among both…I think we can help out.”

The White House readout of the Trump-Khan bilateral said the two leaders had discussed de-escalation of India-Pakistan tensions and the importance of dialogue as well as combating terror.

“The two leaders discussed opportunities to deepen mutually beneficial energy cooperation and trade ties. They also discussed ways to de-escalate tension between Pakistan and India,” the White House said.

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