DMK President MK Stalin condemns government advocate

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The families have lodged complaints against her before Tiruvallur Superintendent of Police.

MK Stalin.

Chennai: DMK President MK Stalin asked whether State Law Minister C Ve Shanmugam courage to take action against Special Public Prosecutor, Mahila Court, Tiruvallur for allegedly threatening child sexual abuse victims and their families to drop cases against the accused.

Instead of protecting sexual abuse victims and appearing in favour of them in the court, Special Public Prosecutor, Tiruvallur District Mahila Court, Dhanalakshmi had attempted to protect the rapist.

The state opposition leader MK Stalin, in his twit, asked how could the Government advocate, who is assigned to protect the victim, involve in the Katta Panchayat (Kangroo Court) and whether this is mentioned in any law book?. All the departments are being criminalised in the State as there is no one to monitor and supervise them. He asked whether State Law Minister has courage to take action against such the SPP?.

Victims of two families have alleged that Dhanalakshmi, who was assigned to represent them in the court, has started protecting the rapists and stated that Dhanalakshmi threatened them to withdraw the cases. The families have lodged complaints against her before Tiruvallur Superintendent of Police.

According to sources a speech impairment and learning disabilities child was sexually assaulted in 2015. Another 20-year old victim, raped when she was a minor, in the district years ago. Dhanalakshmi forced her the girl to speak with the accused, Gopinath and demanded her to marry him.

The couple from Ponneri alleged that the rapist of their child with speech impairment and learning disabilities has been acquitted due lackadaisical behaviour of the Public Prosecutor. They stated that in March this year, Sreenivasan, a school headmaster, allegedly raped their eldest daughter in 2015 and court set him free. SPP allegedly attempted to coerce the couple into taking money from the accused. However, Dhanalakshmi denied the charges.

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