25 village panchayats identified for merger with Trichy city corpn

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Trichy: The district administration has identified 25 village panchayats in five rural administrative blocks to be merged with Trichy corporation for the proposed jurisdictional expansion of the urban local body’s limits planned by the municipal administration department. The village panchayats were selected based on the annual income generated, geographical proximity and urbanisation parameters. Presidents of these village panchayats have been asked to convene an emergency meeting to discuss the proposal with their respective ward members and pass a resolution on the same.

The 25 village panchayats have a population ranging between 1,447 and 17,257. The villages were identified from Andanallur, Manikandam, Manachanallur, Thiruverumbur and Lalgudi blocks, thus paving the way for an expansion on all sides of the existing city boundaries. A total of eight villages were identified from Manikandam block including Thayanur and Nagamangalam, followed by five each in Lalgudi and Thiruverumbur covering Esanakorai, Thalakudi, Appadurai and Gundoor. The merger has received mixed response with a section welcoming it to avail of better amenities while another, mostly those relying on agriculture, opposing it since MGNREGA scheme will be scrapped. “The district administration has assured us on development activities but our village has plenty of livestock. People are afraid of stringent animal control laws after the merger,” Josephine Jayaraj, president of Kizhakurichi panchayat in Thiruverumbur block, adds. Gundoor panchayat residents hope the merger will get rid of their drinking water woes. “Higher taxes are a concern, we will discuss with the nine ward members and take a decision,” U Vigneshwaran, president of Malliampathu panchayat, selected from Andanallur block, said.

“The selection is not final, panchayats with over 75% agriculture land may not be merged,” an official said. But most villages identified, have seen rapid urbanisation, resulting in the composition of agricultural land falling below 75% of the total area. In the next few days, the panchayat presidents are expected to pass resolutions either in favour or against the merger, following which the district administration will make further moves.

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